Thursday, September 27, 2012

Darcha, Himachal Pradesh

I had a good sleep in Keylong, under a warm blanket. I woke up late.

I was in two minds if to leave Keylang or rest for a one more day. After, having a chat with the hotel guy, I decided to keeping moving since I could find a tent to stay for the night, 30km away from Keylang, in a place called Darcha.

I reached Dharcha, by afternoon. Found a tent camp with a beautiful young lady from Nepal, who was in charge of this camp. It was interesting too see their cot. they had piled up stones and had laid a bed on top of this pile. I had some tasty chappati & daal for dinner.

I didn't have a clear plan beforehand and was planning my ride every day by asking people I met en route.

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