Thursday, September 13, 2012

Chittorgarh to Bhilwara, Rajasthan

The previous day,  I had bit of rest and explored Chittorgarh fort and town. After a rest day, getting back on the saddle was bit of a pain for my bum. With a cloudy day and cool weather, it took some time for the body to get warm and return to cycling mode.

Today I had my 6th puncture fixing session on the road. Without a spare tube in hand, I was wondering if another puncture could cost me dearly and I may have to stop riding until I get a spare tube. Anyways I hope things go fine until I reach Jaipur and find a spare tube at the local bike shop there.

Reached Bhilwara, had some samosas and sandwich and called it a day.

Chittorgarh town seen from the fort

A random view of  Chittorgarh fort
Monkeys, the current residents of the fort.

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