Friday, September 14, 2012

Bhilwara to Jaipur, Rajasthan

Couple of hours into the ride and it was another flat tire in the rear. Patched it up and continued the ride.

Cows just don't care for anything on a National highway
It was close to 2:00 pm and rear tire once more surrendered to another puncture. I was unable to locate the puncture this time. Pushed the bicycle to near by 'tyre works', a small road side workshop. They repair only truck or motorbike tires and agreed to fix the puncture, when I told that I can remove the tire from bicycle and just give the tube to them. They tried, but couldn't fix it. I thought may be the tube is worn out.

It was a tea break at the workshop and I was also offered a cup of tea. A truck driver who was present there, offered me a ride in his truck to Jaipur. I was more than happy to take the offer. They mounted my bicycle on top of truck and we rode towards Jaipur.

My bike on top of truck

I was wondering about how much money should I offer the truck driver for his help. Closing in towards Jaipur, the truck engine started making a strange noise. The truck came to a stop, almost 28 km before Jaipur. All felt like a movie; first my bike tube terminated its life and now his truck engine failed. I offered truck driver some money for his help, but he didn't accept it and wished me good luck for the onward journey.

It was almost 7:30 pm and I was very sure to reach Jaipur by walking the bike all the remaining 28 km. I'm still unsure on why I decided to do that.

After 12 km of pushing the bike, I was tired. Just to work around the flat tire situation, I thought, may be I could pump the air to rear tire and ride until the air lasts. But the air would last only for a minute or so. Seemingly stupid, now I was pumping air and riding; pumping air again and riding again; this helped to cover 12 more kms, where I found a small hotel to stay. It was 12:30 am. I had few slices of bread with fruit jam and went to sleep.

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